Place born
Organisation / Person
1635-1703, natural philosopher, Isle of Wight, England, English

Hooke, Robert

1635 - 1703

1616-1654, physician; astrologer; apothecary, British

Culpeper, Nicholas

1616 - 1654

1624-1689, physician, English

Sydenham, Thomas

1624 - 1689

1660-1969, telecommunications company, Britain

General Post Office

1660 - 1969

1578-1657, physician; discoverer of the circulation of the blood, English

Harvey, William

1578 - 1657

1632-1723, merchant; scientist and microscope maker, Dutch

Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van

1632 - 1723

1639-d.1713, horologist; clock-maker; barometer maker and scientific instrument maker, England, English

Tompion, Thomas

1639 - 1713

1642-1727, natural philosopher; mathematician, English

Newton, Sir Isaac

1642 - 1727

Boyle, Robert

1627 - 1691

1641-1707, natural philosopher; monk of the Premonstratensian order, German

Zahn, Johann

1641 - 1707

active 1540-current (2008), society of barber surgeons, London

The Company of Barber-Surgeons


Perry, John

1670 - 1702

1625-1695, natural philosopher; mathematical instrument maker; engineer; inventor; diplomat; English

Morland, Sir Samuel

1625 - 1695

active 1685-1723, optical instrument maker, London, England; English; British

Marshall, John

1659 - 1723

1668-1738, anatomist; physician; botanist, Dutch

Boerhaave, Herman

1668 - 1738

1655-current, button and metal badge manufacturer, London

Firmin and Sons Limited


1564-1642, astronomer; mathematician, Italian

Galilei, Galileo

1564 - 1642

1673-1751, active 1688-1751 horologist; scientific instrument maker, watchmaker, London, England

Graham, George

1673 - 1751

active 1656-current (2009), hospital, Paris, France

Salpetriere Hospital


c. 1668-1728, scientific instrument maker; mechanic, English

Rowley, John

1668 - 1728

active 1674-1760, surgeon, French

Petit, Jean Louis

1674 - 1760

1656-1742, astronomer, English

Halley, Edmond

1656 - 1742

1674-1702, active from 1695, mathematical, philosophical & nautical instrument maker, English

Tuttell, Thomas

1674 - 1702

1635-1715, optician (lens maker) and astronomer, Italian

Campani, Giuseppe

1635 - 1715

1561-1636, physician; physiologist, Italian

Santorio, Santorio

1561 - 1636

1600-1874, trading company; based in United Kingdom; global trade

East India Company

1600 - 1874

1660-1713, natural philosopher; scientific instrument maker, English

Hauksbee, Francis

1660 - 1713

active 1700-1737, mathematical instrument maker, English; British

Culpeper, Edmund

1670 - 1737

1660-1742, physician; privateer, English

Dover, Thomas

1660 - 1704

1646-1723, history and portrait painter; German

Kneller, Sir Godfrey

1646 - 1723

about 1620-1685, active 1654, inventor of a type of logarithmic slide rule; mathematical instrument maker, English

Bissaker, Robert

1620 - 1685

1648/9-1724, clock and watchmaker; barometer maker, English; British

Quare, Daniel

1648 - 1724

1663-1729, ironmonger; inventor of atmospheric steam engine, English

Newcomen, Thomas

1663 - 1729

1666-current (2012), coin dealer; engraver; die-sinker; jeweller; London, England

Spink and Son Limited


1629-1693, mathematician; astronomer; physicist, Dutch

Huygens, Christiaan

1629 - 1695

1633-1703, naval official; diarist, British; English

Pepys, Samuel

1633 - 1703

1674-1731, 4th Earl of Orrery, nobleman; statesman; patron of the sciences, Irish

Charles Boyle

1674 - 1731

1647-1712?, physicist; natural philosopher, French

Papin, Denis


1630?-1706, horologist, French

Thuret, Isaac

1630 - 1706

1660-1742, physician, German

Hoffmann, Friedrich

1660 - 1742

1537-1619, anatomist, Italian

ab Acquapendente, Hieronymus Fabricius

1537 - 1619

Hedges, Nick


1666-current (2011), scientific society, French

Academie Des Sciences


1610-1672, master shipwright, British; English

Pett, Peter

1610 - 1672


New River Company, The

1619 - 1904

1674-1740, agricultural innovator; writer, English; British

Tull, Jethro

1674 - 1741

1654/8-1738, artist; engraver; medallist, French

Saint Urbain, Ferdinand de

1658 - 1738

1618-1707, also known as Alamgir I, ruler of the Mughal Empire from 1658-1707

Mogul Emperor Aurangzeb

1618 - 1707

1639-1715, astronomer; cartographer, Japanese

Shibukawa, Harumi

1639 - 1715

1623-1662, mathematician; physicist; religious philosopher, French

Pascal, Blaise

1623 - 1662